Custom Surgical's Corner

Custom Surgical Partners

Are you considering opening up a surgical suite at your current office? Offering on-site surgical procedures in your office can be a great idea. 

Not only can it increase your revenue, but it also gives your patients more convenient treatment options. If you believe you have available space in your practice, let us review to see if it is feasible! 

Surgical suite development requires its own specific planning. Custom Surgical Partners can help you every step of the way.

There’s a lot to do and here are some of the steps:

Assess Feasibility and Site

Before you can decide to open up an office-based suite, you need to make sure it’s feasible.  Let our experienced team perform a cost analysis. This is called a feasibility assessment. 

Custom Surgical will review your current floorplan and along with your ideas, can assess the possibilities.    

Design a Space Plan

When adding a surgical suite to an existing site, careful space planning will be paramount.  Custom Surgical has extensive experience in creating suites with the most minimal impact on the practice and your budget.

For example, you may be able to convert existing rooms.  These rooms may be used for your practice and also on your “surgical days” used as part of the surgical suite.

Buy Surgical Equipment

Getting surgical equipment can be stressful. It can be difficult to make the right choice when there are so many different vendors to choose from. 

This is where our consultants can help guide you. We can help you to determine what you need and how best to get it, all within your budget.

Train Staff

Since you already have staff at your office, training and mentoring is an important factor.  

You may have to hire a nurse PRN or other staff, depending on your state regulations.  Looking to promote from within may also be beneficial.   

Our consultants offer a variety of support programs.   Our team can assess your current manpower to determine the needs to meet your new suite.   We may also be able to assist in training.

Get Accredited 

The last big step to opening an office-based suite is proper accreditation.  This will allow you to partner with insurers and an office-based location. If partnering with insurers is not desirable, we will determine if accreditation is a requirement of your state.   Throughout the process, our consultants will make sure that you have what is needed to be in compliance. 

Custom Surgical can make achieving accreditation as seamless as possible. We can provide you with all the documentation required. We will also perform mock inspections to make sure your site is fully prepared.  

Once you’re accredited, Custom Surgical will still be your support team.   We have affordable compliance packages. By partnering with us, we can help to keep you in continuous compliance and ensure your continued growth as a surgical health care facility. 

Have more questions about how to open your own office-based suite? Schedule a consultation with Custom Surgical Partners!