Why On-The-Job Training Has Become More Difficult

Custom Surgical's Corner

Many teams still feel challenged by the shortages of the last several years. Finding and retaining staff has become a topic of many presentations over the last few conference rounds. I experienced first-hand, the constant training of new team members while seeing existing team members become exhausted from the increased expectations of mentoring. From this…

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Provider Wellness


The ambulatory surgery center (ASC) industry was hugely challenged because of the pandemic. Elective procedures shuttered our cases and caused experienced professionals to retire or leave the healthcare industry altogether. In fact, our remaining healthcare providers have been through so much, from dealing with pandemic mandates, decreased, and then increased surgical volumes, and constantly working…

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ASCA 2023, Louisville Kentucky


Tina DiMarino, DNP delivered a presentation on the QAPI program and Performing a Focus Study to the New Administrators Group. She also moderated several other presentations. Additionally, Custom Surgical Partners exhibited with a booth at the conference! It was an amazing experience. Custom Surgical’s CEO and Director of Operations were on site and met many…

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ASCRS 2023, San Diego California

Case Studies,Newsworthy

Tina DiMarino, DNP presented in San Diego Discovering Office-Based Cataract Surgery: A Case for the Hybrid Model to a packed room. There were plenty of great questions regarding this option and how it could work in conjunction with a LASIK room conversion or smaller space. Click on the link above to read more about the…

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Fostering a Proactive, Healthy Environment

Custom Surgical's Corner

The 3 Tenets that Serve as the Foundation for a Healthy Work Environment First- what is the difference between the terms Proactive and Reactive environments? I can’t say it enough that staff need to feel empowered to flourish. Providing a proactive environment is paramount. But what does that mean? That means that when something goes…

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